7 September 2010

So What is an SEO Friendly Website?

Hello everyone and welcome to September, what we over here at Nexonta Technologies Inc consider to be the beginning of the business cycle right up until June of 2011 when things start to slow down again for the summer. This blog is to put certain conflicting facts about why it is important to have an SEO friendly website right from the design stage all the way to the site launch. For many years now very good web designers have been creating beautiful websites which look fantastic once you click onto the website. The only problem here is that they pay little or no attention to the coding on the back of the website or the Meta tags, Header tags or Title tags of each website or how clean the code is. This is how Google identifies your site and where to rank your site in the query results.

So traditionally websites have been acting like an online brochure for companies to direct visitors there so that potential customers could preview the company’s website to find out more information. Once these sites were developed, then the site owner after paying $2000.00 to $5000.00 for an esthetically pleasing site now has to contact an SEO company to make changes in the coding so that Google Bots can read it and add all of the different tags and write the content and images so that the site is user friendly and easy to navigate for the viewer. We do all of this before hand and so by the time that your site is fully finished it is fully ready to perform in all of the search engines thus this is an SEO friendly website.

At Nexonta we predominately use templates as the code is clean and our main goal at this point is to create content which is industry specific for each type of company as well to save on costs. The average consumer spends 30 to 60 seconds on a website browsing for what they are looking for and so there is really no need to spend $2000.00 to $3000.00 on a custom site today unless you are developing a website as part of a huge marketing campaign. Once again your site should be content driven, Clean coded, Well tagged and easy to navigate with one or two sections which can be updated on a regular basis. For example Blogging or a past projects module. At Nexonta Technologies Inc we view websites as marketing tools to get our clients exposure on the major search engines and so we focus on the bottom line. If you are interested in a designer website there are allot of great companies that can do a great job on a master peace of a site for your company however here at Nexonta Technologies Inc we charge $1000.00 for an SEO ready site with all of the fundamentals already built into the finished site. Further SEO can be discussed after words.

On a final note, SEO simply means the more competitive the industry that your company operates in the more Blogging, Updating, Posting, Adwords, Adsense etc that you have to spend on but if you are in a relatively stable industry then regular updates to your site will have you appearing great in the search results. Call us today for a free quote!
Nexonta Technologies Inc