14 September 2019

Seventh Instalment of the Video Blog Series

Step 7: Write the script
Every writer, creative director, director, etc, likely has their own way of writing scripts. There are also countless “script templates” for how to lay everything out (while these may seem pretentious, they actually are pretty helpful).

Regardless of what it looks like, the main things you want to make sure you have in your layout are:
• The scene number (1st, 2nd, 3rd scene, etc)
• The time stamp (down to the second, when is this moment happening?)
• The audio, dialogue, or Voice Over (aka: what are we hearing in this moment?)
• A description of the scene, list of characters, location, special props, expressions or movements, or any other details that’s needed for that particular moment

Movie producers and inbound marketers aren’t that different when it comes to creating and editing video content. We’re both telling a story, and whether that story is about a protagonist or a product, we’re both trying to captive our audiences and make them believe in the story we tell. What happens at the end of the story is a little different, though.

Most marketers wear a lot of hats and let’s just say, out of all the hats worn, the videographer one isn’t always their favorite. That’s because creating videos can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to it.
1. Start with a brief.
2. Use your brief to write an outline.
3. Introduce yourself and/or the topic at the beginning of your script.
4. Start writing your script, section by section.
5. Support any B-roll with the proper callouts in your main narrative.
6. Be as concise as you can.
7. Use this video script template.
8. Do a verbal run-through off-camera.

While we won’t elaborate on the past eight points because every video production is different depending on the reason for making the video. However, we will provide some steps to take during the process.

Sketch out a Treatment
One of the most important aspects of writing your script is to first create a treatment. The purpose of the treatment is to sketch out the specific idea you’re writing about. The treatment tells the story that will be contained in the video. It should contain a beginning, middle, and end. Keep in mind that the treatment isn’t a piece of literature. You’re simply telling yourself the story in basic terms so that the script itself will be much easier to write.

Create an Outline
Now you will use the treatment to create an outline. The outline provides you with the actual structure of your script. Many people are resistant to taking the time to outline, and yet this is important for creating the best possible video. After all, regardless of the content of your video, you’re telling a story, and the best stories adhere to structure. The process of creating both your treatment and outline forces you to think through what you want to say so that you will be able to write it in the most effective way possible.

Use a Script Template
Another great way to take your script to the next level is by using a template. Video scripting templates provide a way for including every element needed for your material so that nothing gets left out.

Write Your Script Section by Section
The easiest way to write your script is to break it down into sections. This allows you to focus on one small element at a time rather than feeling overwhelmed by facing the entire script as a whole.

Don’t Be Afraid to Write Direction into Your Script
Never forget that your script isn’t intended to be read by the world. It’s merely a tool. Thus, you should feel free to make notes on it, to include camera directions, and to constantly be making changes. After all, your script is a living document. Don’t hesitate to write into your script what the camera will see so that you will know how to position the camera once you’re ready to shoot.

Tips for How to Write a Script for a Video
Video production is a valuable skill. And your script is the heart of any video production. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to write a script for a video.

This is the second last blog in this series on video production for digital marketing. Next week will be the final blog and we will be looking at the story board when it comes to making a video for your digital marketing needs. After next week’s blog on story boards, we then start a new blog series on the future of digital marketing covering several different topics. For example, voice search, next-gen seo, augmented reality so make sure you check back in and often to our blog to learn more about the latest trends.

Sources: https://www.articlecity.com/blog/how-to-write-a-script-for-a-video-a-complete-beginners-guide/