16 August 2011

Battling Competition

With smart social media and mass marketing, it is difficult for companies to maintain success in today's busy market. To achieve greatest profit, a company must be most attractive, convincing, and strategic. According Forbes Magazine, Apple Inc. is the most valuable company worldwide for 2011.

2 August 2011

To tag or not to tag…

The use of online tags, or essentially virtual Post-It notes, is probably the most crucial aspect of online marketing. To ensure the visibility of your website, preferably on the first few pages of any search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, one must 'tag' their website.

18 July 2011

Green Words!

Long gone are the days where recycling simply applied to paper and plastics. From metals to building materials and even water, recycling has evolved from the straightforward goal of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" to the more current purpose that includes renewing, rebuying, rethinking and respecting.

28 June 2011

6 Key Elements to Successful Link building!

Since 1998 links have been the foundation of Google's ranking algorithm. But too many people still don't realize that 90% of what they need to do is to get other sites to link to them. Gareth Davies summarizes Patrick Altoft's recent SES presentation on some basics of link building, including brand v keyword-rich links, competitor analysis, content syndication and replicating competitors' links.

26 June 2011

Happy Sunday! Pre Monday Blog!

Sail away from the safe harbour...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

15 June 2011

Great SEO article by Jill Whalen!

Not a week goes by where a reader or a client doesn't ask me a question based on some bad SEO advice they heard or read somewhere. Most of the time they don't know it's bad advice. They assume that if they read it in a blog, went to a seminar, listened to a webinar or even discussed it with a company that provides SEO as a service, the advice must be solid.

13 June 2011

Summer is here Blog!

Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, culture, and tradition, but when it is summer in the southern hemisphere it is winter in the northern hemisphere, and vice versa.

6 June 2011

Risk Management Blog!

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal liabilities or credit risk.

26 May 2011

Welcome to Change Blog!

Change management is a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organizational process aimed at empowering employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment.In project management, change management refers to a project management process where changes to a project are formally introduced and approved.

11 May 2011

Welcome to the Elite!

Elite (occasionally spelled élite) (Latin, eligere - "to elect") refers to an exceptional and/or privileged group that wields considerable power within its sphere of influence. Depending on the context, this power might be physical, spiritual, intellectual and/or financial. Political elite In sociology, an elite is a group of relatively small size, that is dominant within a large society, having a privileged status perceived as being envied by others of a lower line of order.