19 April 2017

There are exciting times ahead

19 April 2017
Never before has the consumer had more to consume and we are able to buy more goods and services at a lower price today than at any historical point of economic consumerism. Today with the world population edging towards 7.5 billion people, it is pretty clear to see that the future economic power is engaging the many inhabitants of the planet. The future belongs to those who can deliver anywhere in the world in 48 hours or less. While the economic trade borders are quickly becoming a thing of the past. If history is a good indicator, most likely there will be cultural synergies taking place all over the world for the next 30 plus years.

What isn’t so clear is which will be the dominant cultural reference point with so much of fashion, food, music and overall culture being shared on a global scale it’s pretty safe to say that we will meet somewhere in the middle of this global melting pot which is becoming more and more open towards other cultures from different regions of the world.

If Facebook was a reflection of small communities, family and close connections, Instagram is all about showing us how awesome different people live their lives in different parts of the world and for many of those who find themselves gravitating towards Instagram from Facebook it simply means times are changing. With quotes like “if you’re not losing friends then you’re not growing up.” and “Keep your circle small and live drama free.” are directing us to go away from the familiar when it comes to friendship and venture out into the world to find a small group of like-minded individuals where ever they may be in the world and live your best life.

Companies like airbnb and Uber are asking us to let our guards down and open our homes and wallets to strangers first and then our hearts and minds after. It is a brave and exciting new world and it’s being lead be fearless millennials who want to go start online businesses and travel the world looking for love in the four corners of the globe. Today, being well travelled means having awesome pictures on your Instagram feed since most of the people you meet are travelling to faraway places as well.

It truly is an exciting time where you can do whatever you want to as long as you have the support of even just one friend and one talent that you can work diligently at to become the best at and then sell that service to one percent of the world population and you will end up a millionaire and retire at 40 (That’s a bit too late for me!!! Lol) travel the world, have a fantastic Instagram feed and you can tell your haters “I GOT THOSE LIKES YOU DIDN’T”
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