19 April 2017

To Blog or Not to Blog…..

19 April 2017
It seems like forever since we have written and posted a new blog over here at Nexonta Technologies Inc., if you have ever kept a blog or a journal I am sure that you would agree that there are several reasons for writing with the main ones being, one has something to say, one is documenting a certain period in time, one is writing for SEO reasons or one feels the need to share information that the world cannot life without. Whatever reason for Blogging I feel it’s pretty safe to say that it does require a certain courage and confidence.

I remember in the early days of twitter right around when it was becoming more and more popular with users and many businesses would post the same message over and over again throughout the day simple repeating the name of the business and the services that they offered until those in the know told tweeters that they should make their message compelling and interesting for followers to engage their message and as you would guess most businesses stopped tweeting because this would require a certain amount or honest and open communication with the audience thus leaving the company vulnerable to judgement. Kind of like when an artist puts out a piece, could be a painting or a sculpture or a song. The artist is never quite sure how the public will respond to the work however if the work was created with a certain amount of intelligence and honesty then chances are it will finds its critics and admirers.

I think when we started blogging it was important to put a personal message out there because people resonate with your company’s message. In our experience if clients like and trust you then they will engage your services. Today the world is changing rapidly and more and more your message matters. It is no longer good enough just to exist in the business environment companies today especially large corporations are being asked to take a stand against issues that affect humanity. Corporations are being asked to throw their weight around and actively get involved to protect the little guy who can’t protect himself, a move which would have been business suicide twenty years ago yet today it’s almost expected that if one has a voice then they better use it.

Today more than ever it is important to blog, we are living in an age where conversations matter and since we have entered into a new phase in life there will be plenty to be actively blogging about.
Nexonta Technologies Inc.

There are 100 million blogs in the world, and it’s part of my job as the co-founder of WordPress to help many more people start blogging.
Matt Mullenweg
I think blogging is a muscle that most people wear out.
Warren Ellis