5 March 2010

Sand Bagged, Black Hat, White Hat

Search Engine Optimization is an important part of any company’s marketing plan today, both small or large, to position your site on Google or Yahoo and MSN.


Black hat SEO is taking short cuts in order to achieve a good ranking while White hat SEO is operating by google guidelines. This is why websites have been rated based on the number of inbound links a site has from educational and government websites and from the open project directories D.M.O.Z

This rating system referred to as ILQ or (Inbound Link Quality), is not easy to manipulate or artificially inflate through purchased links, and it gives a more accurate matrix to evaluate ranking weight search engines give to inbound links, other tools available are key word suggestion tools that aid to help you track down key words which are being searched on google and help you to optimize your website and move your search engine ranking position higher.

There are many tools online to help you check your website’s ranking on all of the major search engines. The most important part of search engine optimization is to follow white hat SEO or the Google guidelines. Remember Google does not penalize companies for optimization, but if you try to artificially improve your Google ranking by purchasing links from link farms or stuffing your website with repetitive key words and not legible sentences, you run the risk of being Sandbagged by google. The Google algorithm is extremely sophisticated and cannot be fooled by short cuts and so play by the rules and achieve a good ranking and never worry about the algorithm changing since it does not affect those that optimize correctly.