12 August 2010

Gossip Blog!

Jobless in America shout out! this is a tweet 3 minutes ago by Katie Couric who I follow on twitter one because she is lovely and two because she has back bone and tells it like it is and also Katie has integrity. The small world phenomenon is the hypothesis that the chain of social acquaintances required to connect one arbitrary person to another arbitrary person anywhere in the world is generally short. The concept gave rise to the famous phrase six degrees of separation after a 1967 small world experiment by psychologist Stanley Milgram. In Milgram’s experiment, a sample of US individuals were asked to reach a particular target person by passing a message along a chain of acquaintances. The average length of successful chains turned out to be about five intermediaries or six separation steps (the majority of chains in that study actually failed to complete). The methods (and ethics as well) of Milgram’s experiment was later questioned by an American scholar, and some further research to replicate Milgram’s findings had found that the degrees of connection needed could be higher. Academic researchers continue to explore this phenomenon as Internet-based communication technology has supplemented the phone and postal systems available during the times of Milgram. A recent electronic small world experiment at Columbia University found that about five to seven degrees of separation are sufficient for connecting any two people through e-mail. Which brings us to face book. Twenty years ago it would have been impossible to successfully nurture 10 close friends while today through social applications like Face book we are able to stay active in the lives of easily 100 or so of our closest friends.


The last month really has been a test of resilience on my part running a company not from a business perspective(As business is very good every company today needs an SEO friendly website we are going to have a fanominal 4 years) but from a social perspective. I was working with a programmer who made it clear to everyone within ear shot that he owned Nexonta Technologies Inc which is not true (generally the name on the incorporation ,banking and owing the government all that money is the owner) and this is where the problems started since when you put something out there as strongly as he did then when things don’t go your way it could be pretty embarrassing for you and your reputation and so what does one do in this case well reasonable well adjusted people don’t find them selves in these situations and so they don’t have to have an answer for this one, however after going through the past 6 weeks events I will let you know what an unreasonable person does. They try to close your company and steel your clients and ruin your personal relationships all because they were exposed in a lie. It has been a trying 6 weeks but not for the reasons you might think it is more because of the motivation behind the whole mess which was greed and jealousy.


Well that is it for opening up about what was an otherwise challenging month at Nexonta Technologies Inc. We have since replaced the programmer and the work is coming along very well and as well we are expanding in September to a large facility in downtown Montreal and will be looking for about 5 to 6 new programmers to compliment our growing sales team. Thank you for all of your support and patience through these crazy times. I tweeted about the whole thing so check us out at http://@nexonta.com on twitter.

Nexonta Technologies Inc